I made these as handouts to coincide with today's lesson in church found here. I placed several paintings depicting Christ's life around the room with descriptions of what He did over them (ie: learning carpentry from his father Joseph, healing the sick, raising the dead, telling truthful stories/parables, feeding the hungry, leading by example, rebuking sin, comforting the weary, being baptized, atoning for ours sins, etc.) You can spread out lots of different types of shoes which they'll walk by on their way to choosing which picture they want to stand under. I then walked around the room pointing to each and asking how we may find ourselves in "shoes" similar to those He wore by being in similar situations. Whether helping those in need, being baptized, being teachable, leading by example, telling the truth or standing up for what's right, we can always emulate and follow in the footsteps of our Elder Brother, Jesus Christ. Even though we often times fall short, by putting ourselves in other people's shoes we can better understand the perspective of others and love them more fully.
I then pointed out the different types of shoes there were; most were for everyday purposes, some were for work, others had been worn on perilous persuits, others were more glamorous, athletic or just down right unfortunate looking and looked like they'd perceived by some to be better suited for the trash. I told them the importance of not judging unrighteously even if you've walked a mile in someone else's shoes. I explained that throughout our lives we will need to figuratively wear many people's shoes, some of which may require hard work, effort, humility, stature, humor or patience.
"If we follow in [the Savior’s] footsteps, we can live by faith rather than by fear. If we can share his perspective about people, we can love them, serve them, and reach out to them—rather than feeling anxious and threatened by others." Spencer W Kimball
The following image has been formatted to print on a standard sheet of paper.
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