Friday, September 25, 2009

Another Booty Scooter?

Drake just moved 5 feet today, twice.
It was very slow going... and it took a few minutes to accomplish, but he did it. ON HIS BOOTY. Can we say DEJA VU?

He's been SOMEWHAT mobile these past couple months, but on his stomach. (Mostly within just a circle with a radius of 3 feet.) I always assumed Haven figured an alternative method to crawling because of the hardwood floors... but here in this rental there's nothing but carpet with a few linoleum "patches."  So who knows... maybe he'll take Haven's lead or maybe it's something he'd just try out 'cause he wasn't feeling Tummy Time. Who knows? But right now it's looking like we apparently have a gene in our family for booty scooting... and it's a dominant one at that.

Here's a couple of videos of Haven in booty-scootin'-action that I just found.
It's crazy how time has flown by.

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