Sunday, September 15, 2013

Molten Lava Cakes

Don't judge a book by it's cover... and don't judge a cake by the fact that it comes from a package.  I've tried many "from scratch" recipies that can't get close to this one.  Not all boxed cakes are created equal and this one transcends them all as it's one deceptive little box, and I thought I should let you know what it's capable of.  This baby makes Chocolate Molten Lava Cakes that are every bit as good as Flemings, Roy's and even Disney Cruise's Palo restaurants' versions.  They're fool proof and come with perfect little paper cups that cook and release the cakes perfectly.  No mess either?  BONUS!  We love ours à la mode and cut them open as soon as they're served to stop them from cooking all the way through so we can keep that melted molten in it's oooey gooey consistency that we love so much.  


  1. what store do you buy this chocolate lava cake mix? amazon doesn't have any in stock right now unless you buy 8!

  2. Lindsey - I get mine at Sprouts and they're way cheaper!
