Thursday, August 13, 2009

Family Pictures July 2009


  1. LOVE these!! Your kids are so adorable and you and Greg make such a cute couple. What a beautiful family you have:) We should get together soon!!

  2. Shavonne you have such a beautiful little family! These pictures are amazing!

  3. So freaking cute!!! I canNOT even believe how photogenic Drake is! He has such amazing eyes and the sweetest smile! Haven is as cute as ever. Shavonne, you are so beautiful...and my bff! Greg, well you look great too! Miss you all so much! Good luck with everything :)

  4. Wait a second- wasn't it just yesterday that your baby boy was a BABY?!?! What happened?
    The last two pictures are my favorite. So cute!

  5. Love them- you guys could be a Hollywood family, but with much better standards =)

  6. Very cute pictures! It is amazing to me how much Haven looks like Greg and how much Drake looks like you! What a good looking family you all make! I hope AZ is treating you well and hopefully we will run into you guys soon! Love you lots!

  7. Wow. Those are all absolutely beautiful. I love her little flip flops!

  8. Shavonne... you are so beautiful. Seriously, you have a beautiful family. =)

  9. Ok...seriously way too cute! You guys are the best. We miss you tons, and NEED to get together this year for sure. It would be fun to take a vaca to Arizona this summer. We'll have to see what we can do. Love ya guys!
